Friday, April 24, 2015

Napoli's - Mesquite

This is a real Eddie's Napoli's. I know he has one at Firewheel Mall and Garland on Centerville almost to Northwest. Eddie's serves some good grub and large portions, both good points for Mitcho.

So at lunch today, I was not all that hungry. No reason for it, just wasn't real hungry. So I had a light lunch. Of course by 3:30 I was starving, so I had a snack to hold me over. So at dinner time I was not very hungry again, I have to get out of this cycle and now. The wifey is a big fan of sharing a meal which normally is not my first choice, 2nd choice or 3rd choice, but I do it anyway. Tonight was a good time to share. As I pointed out above, at Napoli's the meals are large, so sharing is not all that difficult. So I suggested sharing at Napoli's. Now if I had suggested Napoli's she probably would have shot it down, but SHARING is the key word.

So we did the Bolero to Napoli's. The other two Napoli's have a booming business and you might have to wait for a table. The Mesquite one, you walk in and get your choice of tables. So we saddled up to a booth and ordered out teas. When the waiter brought our teas, he also brought a basket of rolls and these are some of the best rolls around. They also come with the marinara sauce.

Then you guessed it, we order a Stromboli for us to split. A Stromboli is like a closed in pocket sandwich made of a great crust, filled with cheese, pepperoni, sausage and I think Canadian bacon (around these parts, pig/ham). The Stromboli is about 15 to 16 inches long  and probably 8 or 9 inches wide. I am talking bigggggggggggggggggggggggg! So after the wifey cut her half off (and she took a full half), there was still a full meal to eat.  It also comes with a marinara sauce which has a nice tangy flavor. I really like the Stomboli here, it is very tasty.

This is some good grub, large portions and at a reasonable price. Some grab up a couple Italian wannabes and head to Eddie's Napoli. Any other Napoli won't do!!!!!

Givn em a 8.11.


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