Saturday, May 18, 2019

Chuy's - Plano

It was a long day today hanging with the chickens and taking care of them. I have never had so many girlfriends in all of my life. I am currently building them a chicken mansion. You know, nothing but the best for future fajitas.

At the end of the day we had to go to Frisco for some immunizations. If you are not familiar with North Texas, to the people on the East side of Dallas, Frisco is on the other side of the world.

Me and the wifey are going to Africa soon to search out fellow rednecks in the bush and outback. They may have redneck ways that would be appealing to us, you never know. To go to Africa we have to get immunizations for every disease that has ever hit earth. Since most of these immunizations are taken by travelers, the traveler pharmacies are in Plano and Frisco, not in redneck country. So we have to travel across the world for our shots. This time was Cholera. It is kind of funny, if you are over a certain age, they will not give you the immunization for Cholera. I guess they think that it is just ok for me to die but the wifey is worth savings.

We make it a point that when we are on that side of the world, we eat at Chuy's. (Come on Chuy's build one on the East side of Dallas somewhere.) We are a big fan of the Chuy's. So we did the Chimichanga over to Chuy's on 75 in Plano.

The Chuy's salsa is nothing to speak about. Large quantity of tomatoes, with a little onion and cilantro. But order the Jalapeno Ranch. Oh my, that is some top drawer fixin's rat there. They can't bring us chips fast enough.

I ordered the Comida Deluxe. This is two Tex-Mex Cheese Enchiladas, two chicken flautas, crispy taco, guacamole, tostada chips, etc. Man this is a lot of food. I normally am snacking two hours after a meal, but not after this one. Everyone one of these items are good stuff. You can never go wrong at Chews.

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If you are in Plano, bring your spit can and let's grab some grub at Chews.


Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour