Friday, May 1, 2015

The Pantry - McKinney Downtown

This morning we had some ministry work to do in Denison. So on the way home we were going through McKinney at lunch time. The Pantry 10 to 15 years ago was the place to go in McKinney. Then shopping centers and restaurants blew up out on 75 and the downtown area suffered. During it's time you would have to wait in a long line to order and most of the tables were full. Now you walk up order and pick any table in the joint. It is a very cute restaurant with an antique theme. The wifey really likes this place because it is kind of a girly joint and they have PIE.

The wifey was craving their chicken salad and chocolate cream pie. So we did the Acro dance into the downtown McKinney. Yes guessed it the wifey ordered chicken salad and after looking at all of the pie choices, she ordered chocolate cream. As for me, I ordered a cup of chili and I went straight to the chocolate cream PIE. The wifey says the chicken salad was very good. So there you go ladies. As for my chili it was ok, it was not very spicy Pretty short on flavor but it was ok. Chocolate Cream pie is an almost guaranteed good thing. The chocolate on this pie was not as bold as I would want. The crust had a good crunch and good flavor, but it was pretty hard to cut.

Overall, this is a place that is surviving on its reputation. It's food was once awesome, but now it is just above OK.

Givn em a 6.51


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