Saturday, May 2, 2015

El Fenix Downtown - AAC to see Joan Jett and the Heartbreakers (oh yea, The Who closed the show)

To make a short story long, being at my stage in life, I pretty much have everything I want and if I find something new that I want I go get it (of course after growing up poor, I don't want much). This is pretty tough on my kids at birthday and Christmas time because there is nothing I want. So one of my chilluns this year bought us tickets to the Who concert for Christmas. The concert was tonight.

I find that the biggest joy in life is being with my family!!!!

So since we were going to be downtown tonight I suggested that we eat dinner at El Fenix. The El Fenix's all of the Metromess are very good, but there is just something special about the downtown one which I believe is the original one. They have plenty of parking and most of the time you can walk right in and get seated at a table. The service here is pretty good also.

I think the chips at El Fenix are the best of all of the Mexican restaurants. The salsa has a nice spicy taste, not very hot but tasty. They need to work on the hot part.

I ordered the Saltillo dinner. This one does not have rice or beans., which I normally don't eat much of anyway. I got a beef taco, which is very full with a good spicy meat. Topped with lettuce and cheese. This is a good. Then there is the beef enchilada covered in chili. As I mentioned the beef has a good spicy taste and covered with a spicy chili. This is also a good. Finally there is a cheese enchilada and this is one of the best tasting cheese enchilada in these parts. I also asked for some flour tortillas which are good. Overall it's a good.

Given em an 8.0.

Then we went to the AAC to see the The Who. Joan Jett and the Heartbreakers opened. Apparently she has been rocking since the 80's. I had heard the name, but didn't know much beyond that. All of the old people around me were pretty excited to get to see her. So let's rock. Her first 5 or 6 songs, I had never heard, but they had a good driving beat with some good lead guitar work. This was some pretty good rock n roll. Finally they played several songs that I had heard and liked, that's always good. At the end, for the last two songs, Miley Cyrus came on stage and we saw way toooooo much of her. Buys some clothes that do a better job of covering your vital parts of your body. We were very thankful for a couple of stars in strategic places. Without Miley, Joan Jett gets a 7.5. The jury is out on how many points we have to take away because of Miley!!!@@!

Now for the real deal. The Who. I knew I liked some of their songs but wasn't sure just how many. Come to find out there are 8 or 9 that I have heard and liked. Most of the songs I hadn't heard were good rock songs that had my foot tapping. These guys are too interested in rock operas. Of course Tommy is full of some good stuff, but they played one they had done before Tommy and it worked out to be just enough time for a short nap. Did like Tommy, Pinball Wizard, and a number of the others. Overall, this was an enjoyable concert and good evening out with the wifey. Givn The Who an 8.75.

surfs up


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