Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Doe Belly's - Forney

The wifey informed me that tonight was catfish night. Now normally a good redneck would go out to his back yard and dig up a dozen or so worms. Then he would go to the channel below the dam and catch him some mudcat. Of course that means having to clean them, then getting all of the bones out, etc. etc. etc. I guess I have become citified because I don't want to fool with that mess. Of course I do enjoy catching fish, I just want to throw them back and go to a catfish joint to eat.

I have eaten catfish all over Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc. In all of that catfish eating, most of the places have been OK. That includes all of the famous East Texas catfish joints - Pine Mill, Miller Grove, Vaughan's, etc. There have been only a few that I considered really good. So when we talk about catfish, it is a short conversation, there is only Doe Belly's. Now Doe Belly's fish is spicy, I mean a very nice level of spicy.

So we did the catfish to Doe Belly's. We always order the 4 piece basket, which comes with 4 large pieces of catfish, fries, and hushpuppies. The catfish is the best I have ever eaten, bar none. The fries have a little spice on them and would probably be better than average if the fish wasn't so spicy. As it is, the fries are good but not special. The okra here is pretty good. I don't care for cold slaw much. The pinto beans are just plain. As good as the fish is here, you would think the pinto beans would be spiced up to my level of expectation. This meal is all about the catfish.

Grab you up some buddies and doo the catfish to Forney and get yourself some Belly's catfish. You won't regret it and you may become the new leader of your Krewe.

Giv'em a 9.75


Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:

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