Monday, August 19, 2019

Krispy Kreme Donuts - Reeses Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Over the weekend the Wifey and me spent some quality time with 4 of the grands, Lil Darlin, PNuggett, Precious, and DMoney. Since these kiddos are spending way too much time with their ultra citified parents, it is important that I spend quality time with them to teach them the redneck ways. So the best learning place is Dirt Track Car races. So the wifey, the 4 grands and me did the Hot Wheels to RPM Speedway on Friday night. It was very interesting, the girlies loved the racing even better than the boys. Go figure. Because we were out half the night, the grands spent the night with us.

The wifey is a huge fan of Reese's peanut butter and chocolate products. I mean all of them. So I planned to take the tribe to Krispy Kreme in Mesquite to test out the Reese's donuts. As you can tell from the picture above, the kiddos went for sprinkles on their donuts. You can also see that the wifey went straight at the Reese's donuts.

All of the kiddos report good things about their donuts, except DMoney who didn't like his. What was he thinking. I obviously am going to have to spend more quality time with him. (Of course I did get to eat his donut for him, so it wasn't all bad.) The wifey gave top notch reports for her two donuts, the chocolate and the peanut butter. I was allowed a few bites of each and they were very good.

So if you get a hankering for a good donut, you may want to get your sugar in gear and get to Krispy Kreme. Don't take all your buddies because if they are in line in front of you, they may buy all of them. How tragic could that be. (Note: I am still a big fan of the Kreme filled donuts at Dunkin Donuts.)

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Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

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