Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Crown Block on top of Reunion Tower

 Today I was down at the creek, fishing for mud cat, catching crawdads, shooing water mocassins away, and having a high'o good time. Then I see the wifey coming down just a hollering at me. When she gets to me she grabs me by the ear and starts dragging me outta the crick saying some kind of nonsense about it being our 47th anniversary and we were going to celebrate. I thought I was celebrating, but I guess not. So she informs me we are going to eat high on the hog tonight. I got excited again, cause a hog produces some good vittles. Bacon, Ham, Bacon, Ham, pulled pork, etc. Come to find out she meant some fancy upity restaurant that is up in the sky. Of course we made it 47 years because occassionally I do what the wifey says.

So off we go. I am not going to say this place is high class, but when you get on the elevator to go to the top, there are NO BUTTONS TO PUSH. We get up to the top and they take us to a table with full table cloth, cloth lap napkin, more silverware than I know what to do with. The waiter comes and the first choice is filtered water, mineral water, flavored water, water bottles, etc. I started to ask if he had a water hose I could drink out of, but I didn't, you know this is a special occasion apparently. It's filtered water for me, no spiders please. Then he left for us to consider what we would want to drink. Are you kidding me, I am a southern crick dweller, is there anything else but ice tea?

He finally comes to take our order. The wifey orders an 8 oz filet mignon of Certified Black Angus. I didn't take a bite of her steak, but it was melting in her mouth and was so tasty she didn't want any sauce on it. Wow that must be good.Of course we are on a diet to watch our good looks instead of having them out in front of us, so no sides for the wifey. 

As for myself, I have a problem processing steak, so I ordered the Rosewood Ranches Wagyu Burger with white cheddar cheese, red onion marmalade, truffle aioli and brioche bun. It also came with triple cooked fries which I ate one just to see how they tasted. The burger meat was just as good as that there filet mignon the wifey is drooling over. The other toppings had almost no taste, but it is because the meat was so good. The triple cooked fry was very crunchy, but it really needed some of Mitcho's homemade fry seasoning to make them real good.

 Then came the main event. The wifey ordered Turtle Creek Peanut Butter Bar. This thing looked heavenly. I didn't really get a report on how good it was, but that was because the wifey was scarfing it down very fast. I ordered the Sam Houston Chocolate pie. This is a chocolate pie with whipped cream on top. If Sam Houston had some of this back in the day, he probably would have led the Texas troops past Mexico into Central America. Man, the chocolate in this pie was so rich I had a headache after eating it. Of course the whip cream was yummy and the pie crust was very good. 

Overall, this was a very tasty meal. Of course it should be, I traded my horse and two cows to pay for it.

But seriously this was top of the line grub. 

Givem a 8.925 (this wasn't Pizza Getti).



Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:




Monday, March 18, 2024

Black Bear Diner - Mesquite

 Recently some long time known associates came down to the crick and grabbed me up and said they were taking me to Black Bear. I was sure we were hunting for Black Bear. What a rush. I was already figuring out how I was going to take a Black Bear down and have me some fresh meat for weeks. Never mind there are no Black Bear with hundreds of miles. Then I realized there was some new fandangled restaurant called Black Bear Diner. 

I had heard tales about this place but had never experienced it myself. So I buckled in and let the good times roll. 

This place is basically known for it's breakfast. As far as I am concerned breakfast begins and ends with biscuits and gravy. Plenty of salt and pepper. So I focus on the biscuits and gravy on the menu. 1200 calories!!!! Two biscuits and gravy has that many calories. I gotta see this. So I ordered the biscuits and gravy. Nothing else. Man 1200 calories is a lot for one meal when you are on a 1500 calorie a day diet. 

My known associates ordered some kind of fancy breakfast that looked yummy when they came out. They raved about their meal. 

Back to biscuits. When my meal came, the biscuits were the size of a horse apple (softball for the youngsters). I am talking huge. They were covered with plenty of gravy. The biscuits tasted better than most biscuits even if they were bigger than big. The gravy had a great flavor. This was some really good fixins. Next time I will take the wifey with me and have her eat one of the biscuits. There is at least two meals in this order.

So if get a hankering for biscuits and gravy and don't think you can get full, mosey on over to Black Bear Diner and order their biscuits and gravy. I am betting you are fried mud cat full before you finish what's on your plate. 

Givem a 8.398489879

Mitcho © 2024

Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:



Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mo Bettas Hawaiian Style - Sachse

 Word got to me that our CBoss (oldest grand) was playing in a Jazz band up in a club called Wylie East High School. Of course a r'neck loves good food and good music. So outta the creek I go and grab the wifey and head to the Wylie area. On the way we begin working out dinner (the third most important time of the day after breakfast and lunch). As always there is a lot of back and forth of we could go here or we could go there. Finally darlin' said why go betta when we could go to Mo Bettas. How can you argue with that logic. 

They advertise this as a Hawaiian food establishment. NOT A PINNEAPPLE IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!

The food here is pretty simple, meat, rice or macaroni salad, and cabbage. 

I ordered a two meat plate with Terriyaki chicken and Katsu chicken. Katsu chicken is a marked up way to say chicken strips. I got white rice, but you can get brown rice. Oh yeah and then there is that macaroni salad. I love macaroni, but their salad looked questionable to me. I passed. They had two sauces terriyaki and some kind of asian barbeque. 

The Terriyaki chicken was very good. The Katsu chicken was pretty decent chicken strips. White rice is just white rice. The terriyaki sauce was fairly decent. I would have liked a little more zest. I never really figured out the asian barbeque sauce. It wasn't true barbecue but it had qute a zing at the end. I am a fan of the zing. 

This is a very small restaurant with limited seating. There were six of us tonight sax man, darlin, The mayor, lil darlin' and wifey. 

I question the Hawaiian with no pinneapple, but otherwise this was a pretty good meal. They also serve pig, steak and shrimp.

Givem a 7.888856465



Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:



Thursday, November 2, 2023

Rio Lerma - Forney

 A few days ago, Chipper (aka Wifey) decided it was time to be civilized adults for an evening. If you have read many of my blogs you know that is quite a stretch for me. But I try when Chipper says I must.

As you can imagine it was a pre-planned attack which which included a 3 1/2 hour movie and dinner. So off we went to Film Alley. This is in Terrell across from Buc-EEs and all of you have been at that Buc-EEs. Yes you have, just own up to it. This is a pretty cool place with movie theatre, restaurant, and bowling alley. The movie has food service and very cushy reclining shares. I had a pretty good nap. 

Finally the movie was over and off to dinner. I knew if I suggested a mexican restaurant Chipper would jump all over it with both feet. So I suggested Rio Lerma. Over the last few years we have been in meetings with folk from the Forney location of the First Fried Chicken Eating Somewhat Baptist Mostly Non-Denominational Church. All of these folk have constantly bragged about how great this restaurant is. Of course you have to take it with a grain of salt. These folk live in Forney. Just how many choices do they have or Rio Lerma serves some awesome adult beverages which doesn't appeal to me. Off we go.

The first course is always chips and salsa. This is a very important step in the process. They need awesome chips and tangy salsa to set the stage for the coming events. These chips were thicker than most which made them seem to be a little stale. They were OK, but no bragging here. The salsa was very different. I seemed to be a light green and orange, it's taste was very different. It had no heat, no real tangy taste, just kind of blah. Not a good start of the race to the finish.

I ordered a stack of cheese and beef enchiladas and rice and beans. The rice and beans were about the same as most other restaurants. Nothing special but they were ok. The enchiladas need work. The cheese was very different. Very similar with what I get in Oklahoma, Arkansas and New Mexico. This is not Tex-Mex as I know it. The beef was ok, but it had that goofy cheese on it. I am going to say New Mexico mex.

 The un-sweet tea was satisfactory. 

Overall, this was disappointing. But as I say I have access to a broad base of Mexican restaurants, so my expectations are pretty high.

I am giving it a 7.0000001.

I know them Forney folk are going to go after me, but this is my opinion and my opinion alone. So far I have the freedom in the U.S. of free speech. Enjoy while we can, it is going away fast.



Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:





Monday, August 28, 2023

Zanata - Rockwall

 The wifey informed me that I had to come up out of the crick and take off for dinner to celebrate another trip around the sun for one of her most favorite known associates. She is a sister from a different mister. We go a long way back with this girlie and went to church with her for many years till we changed to The First Fried Chicken Eating Mostly Non-Denominational somewhat Baptist Church. 

Being her birthday, we let her pick her pleasure for dinner. The girlie has been a resident for quite a few years in Rockwall and has always wanted to check out Zanata. So she asked to go there. So on my way out of the crick I went by the First Left Bank of the Crick Bank and borrowed some money to bail us out at the end of the evening. 

As we walk in, everyone is dressed up real nice and the place wreaks of oppulence. Not my normal kind of hangout. Then, a walk through the menu led to items that included toasted ciabatta, balsamic, artichokes, wild boar salami, soppressatta, pomtoms, gorgonzola and many other items that I just don't understand. So is this stuff meat or potatoes. That's the only two catagories I understand.

Being in despearation, I searched for something that I understood what it was. There it is, pepperoni pizza. Pay dirt.  

The wifey ordered pepperoni pizza and supremo pizza. Good choices. She also ordered garlic bread. 

The garlic bread came first and there were 3 large slices of bread doctored up pretty nicely. Good start. 

Then the pizza came. This is some pretty good pizza. Both of them were keepers. Not as good as Pizza Getti on Buckner, but pretty good. 

We had some good conversation, of course with two women, I didn't get a word in edgewise. That is until the bill came. At that point I was sure glad I had arranged the loan earlier.

Overall, this was a pretty good meal with good conversation.

Givem a 7.9812322



Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:




Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Pie Five Pizza - Murphy

 Chipper (the wifey) informed me that it was time to go to town and see the grands. So we left the peace and quiet of the crick and fought traffic like a prize fighter to Murphy, Tx. I took my honey (Chipper) to go have some honey on my Pizza. We met there Darlin, CBoss and The Mayor. You see if you buy the boys pizza they will eat with you. We have been to Pie Five a couple of times in the past and CBoss guides me in to what's good here. He's my pizza man. 

With guidance from CBoss I ordered the Mike's Sticky Fingers. This has Mike's Hot Honey (sweet-heat combo of honey infused with chili peppers), premium curl pepperoni (so does the curl add flavor???, they have flat pepperoni and premium curled pepperoni. Beats me.), fresh basil, spicy marinara and house-shredded whole milk mozzarella. They aren't kidding when they say Sticky Fingers. You can't lick all of the honey off your hands. So like Cboss says, you just eat and be a mess, then when you are through you wash your hands, even if it is not Saturday night yet (I added this last part.).

Once you get your pizza you can add Magic Dust. Parmesan, romano, provolone, italian seasoning, and kosher salt. You can also have Magic Butter. I don't know what this does, but don't get a pizza without it. At least that is what I am told. So this place is kind of magical.

Overall, this is a pretty good pizza considering you are not in East Dallas and can't get to Pizza Getti. 

Givem an 8.459870



Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:



Sunday, February 19, 2023

Hot Rodz - Crandall, TX

 When I come out of hiding, I hang out with this gang from my church, The First Fried Chicken Eating Mostly Non-Denominational Somewhat baptist Church. The gang is all excited about this girls high school basketball team in the state playoffs. So since I was out of hiding for a day or two the wifey decided we were going to see them play. 

As you know that also was a good excuse to grab some grub. Crandall, TX today is being taken over by high falutin people in the last few years, but before that it was a high class redneck town. You know, my kind of folk. So you know there is some good redneck food in this place. 

Before we went we searched for the menu for Hot Rodz and looked at pictures of their food. I had noticed red beans and sausage. When we get there it is not on the menu, but I notice a placard on one table (must be the redneck only table) that had the red beans and sausage on it. You can have my menu, my mind is made up. The meal also comes with corn bread. I am home, it just doesn't get any better!!!!

The corn bread was some the best corn bread I have had in a number of years. Man bring me another basket of these.

The red beans and sausage was as good as you can imagine. I didn't think about it till I was done, but I should have floated it in hot sauce. Man it would be so good you would just have to slap yo momma. Anyways it was very good. We just gonna have to come back here from time to time, basketball or no basketball. The folk I was with had a BLT and chicken fried steak sandwich and raved about them.

Givem a 8.5497987654



Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour

Please attend church with me next Sunday. Where ever you are, go to the link below:

